Current Projects

The Responsible AI Institute is a non-profit whose mission is to help the community unlock the power of AI without doing harm to people or the planet. The organization works with over 30 corporate and 35,000 individual members. It has asked SBC to conduct market research and competitive analysis to define responsible AI readiness assessments for startups and smaller organizations. Additionally, SBC will be designing a packaging and pricing recommendation based on the target user experience and needs.
Women in Need (Win) is the largest provider of family shelter and supportive housing in New York City. It runs 16 shelters and over 450 supportive housing units across the city and serves approximately 12,500 people per year. Win currently has a robust income building program that uses monthly income building assessments from transitional and supportive housing clients. The client has asked SBC to examine its program data, compute the economic multiplier of the program, and evaluate other workforce development models to improve the program.

F500 Automotive and Clean Energy Company
Austin, TX
The client is a leading multinational automotive and clean energy company. It designs, manufactures, and sells vehicles, energy storage batteries, solar panels, and more. The client has asked SBC to analyze the customer-experience process from start to finish through talking with customers and engineers, comparing and contrasting the client's process to competitors within this space, and finalizing recommendations for improvement.

SoPo is a platform developed with the intention of promoting transparency and fairness within the poker space. It provides a space to play games with friends and acts as a centralized outlet for all poker events, breaking news, and current content. SoPo has asked SBC to expand its market reach through the establishment of partnerships that protect vulnerable groups and improve access to underrepresented ones. Objectives involve establishing new partnerships and designing an intercollegiate circuit with the allocation of a $150,000 pool.